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private proxies

Buy Private Proxies from $2/IP

  • The widest geographical reach 

  • The most extensive selection of private proxy servers

  • No limitations on bandwidth and concurrent sessions 

  • Country, state, and city targeting


proxy pool







Cheap Private Proxies

Smart features for block-free web scraping

Unlimited bandwidth

Choose our private proxies for unlimited traffic.

Free geo-targeting

Benefit from city or state precision at no extra cost.

Privacy & anonymity

Shield your digital fingerprint by routing traffic through private proxies.

Multiple protocols

Choose from SOCKS5, HTTPS, and private HTTP proxy protocols.

99.9% network uptime

Private proxies with high uptimes for unbeatable reliability and stability.

Exceptional support

Whether it’s proxy usage or troubleshooting, get assistance 24/7.

Smart features for block-free web scraping

Unlimited bandwidth

Choose our private proxies for unlimited traffic.

Free geo-targeting

Benefit from city or state precision at no extra cost.

Privacy & anonymity

Shield your digital fingerprint by routing traffic through private proxies.

Multiple protocols

Choose from SOCKS5, HTTPS, and private HTTP proxy protocols.

99.9% network uptime

Private proxies with high uptimes for unbeatable reliability and stability.

Exceptional support

Whether it’s proxy usage or troubleshooting, get assistance 24/7.

Speedy large-scale scraping with unlimited bandwidth

Oxylabs sets no limits on speed and traffic, making them the best private proxy choice for tasks such as web scraping and fuelling your market research, web monitoring, or brand protection operations.

Vast private proxy pool

Overcome geo-limitations with 2M+ private IP pool in 188 countries. Bypass IP blocks and guarantee your chances of success with completely private IPs.

Unlock any target with Oxylabs private proxies

High-performance private proxy servers with an attractive price point for speedy data extraction on a large scale.

  • 2M+ IP pool in 188 countries

  • Self-Service for a quick and easy start

  • Unlimited bandwidth

Buy from $2/IP

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Learn more

Private Residential Proxies combine the best features of Residential and Datacenter Proxy servers for top-tier uptime.

  • 100K Static Residential IPs pool

  • Human-like traffic 

  • Best for challenging targets

Thanks to Oxylabs Datacenter Proxies, we saw a substantial improvement in response time immediately – it went from an average of 7-8 seconds to 2-3 seconds. With a quick response rate, clients had better results, while we were able to increase our revenue.”

João Drummond

Founder @ Crawly

A word from our customers

From powerful private proxy servers to excellent support, we put our customer experience at the center, helping our clients reach their project goals.

Scale your business with Oxylabs private proxies

Frequently asked questions

What are private proxies?

A private proxy is a type of proxy of proxy that isn’t shared among different users. This means that when you get your private IP addresses, you'll be the only one using them. These personal proxies are great for traffic-intensive tasks and business operations like ad verification or MAP monitoring.

How much is a private proxy?

The price of a private proxy will vary depending on the proxy provider. Our private proxy servers start at $2 per IP via self-service. If you have a specific use case and requirements, like acquiring a private IPV4 proxy, you can also contact us directly at

Do you offer private US proxies?

Yes, we do offer private proxy in the US. Check out a full list of proxy locations.

How to set up a proxy server?

After you acquire a proxy user through our dashboard, you can find all the setup instructions in our documentation. Alternatively, contact us at and our team will assist you.

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