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Singapore proxy
120,247 IPs

Access thousands of Residential and Datacenter Singapore proxy servers all over the country. Easily reach your target websites and gather the required public data efficiently.

Datacenter Proxies

Some of the best performing proxies for scraping with Singapore proxy IP addresses

Residential Proxies

Appear as an organic user and avoid IP blocking with Singapore proxy servers

Large pool of Residential Singapore Proxy IPs

Choose Singapore proxy servers as a reliable solution to gather public data from desired local websites. Overcome geo-blocks easily because you’ll get access to a large Residential Proxy pool of Singapore IP addresses from all over the country. Moreover, Oxylabs’ Residential Proxies come from legitimate sources and stand out with high quality.

Ethically sourced proxies

Oxylabs’ Residential Proxies are obtained from legitimate sources

Reliable infrastructure

Our team ensures up to 99.95% success rates of Residential Proxies

Dedicated Singapore proxy servers

Oxylabs’ Datacenter Proxies help scale up web scraping projects. You can send an unlimited amount of concurrent sessions with no bandwidth or target limitations. Not only that, they’re a widely affordable solution that helps you stay anonymous and avoid IP blocks. Datacenter Singapore proxies are widely used for market research, brand protection, and to improve cybersecurity operations. 

  • Zero bandwidth or target limits

  • Unlimited concurrent sessions

  • Up to 99.9% uptime

Provider of fast Singapore Proxies

If efficient web scraping is your top priority, the poor performance of proxies is an obstacle. Thanks to our Singapore proxies, you can be sure that your public data gathering projects will be smooth and fast. Oxylabs’ professional team constantly monitors our proxy pool and maintains the high uptime of Singapore proxy servers. You can scrape the most challenging websites at any scale. 

  • Constantly monitored proxy pool

  • Solution to scrape at any scale

  • Pre-selected and tested proxies

Proxy locations in Singapore

City IP Count Protocols IP Version Bandwidth
Singapore 2382 HTTP/SOCKS5 IPV4/IPV6 Unlimited

Residential and Datacenter Proxies in Singapore

Datacenter Proxies

Send an unlimited number of concurrent sessions with no bandwidth or target limits. 

  • High performance with avg. 99.9% uptime

  • The most stable Singapore proxies in the market 

  • Pay only per datacenter IP

Residential Proxies

Easily access geo-restricted content and collect local public data in Singapore without being blocked.

  • Collect public data on a large scale

  • High performance with up to 99.95% uptime

  • Forget about IP blocks

Additional benefits

24/7 live support

Oxylabs’ clients get necessary help at any time to deal with occurred issues

Convenient dashboard

Get access to a dashboard where you can see all the required stats

Session control

Easily scale up your public web scraping projects whenever required

Additional benefits

Entire globe coverage

Oxylabs’ Residential Proxies cover almost every country in the world

Large proxy pool

Get access to our Residential Proxy pool with over 100M+ IP addresses

Fewer CAPTCHAs or IP bans

Collect public data without worrying about your IP address being blocked

Why you should choose Oxylabs’ Singapore proxies

Efficient Singapore proxies integration

Our Singapore proxy servers are compatible with third-party software, such as proxy IP address management tools for browsers. Our team prepared tutorials in our developer-friendly documentation for a hassle-free integration process. Choose our Singapore proxies, and be sure that you won’t need to deal with complex integrations.

Increased scalability with Singapore proxies

With a vast amount of Singapore proxy servers, you can efficiently connect to the necessary public data sources using your automated web scraping script. Oxylabs’ proxies allow you to gather public information from most websites without surpassing the target’s request limit or being identified by anti-scraping software.

Constantly growing Singapore proxy pool

One of Oxylabs’ goals is to expand our resources to meet even the most demanding business needs. This is why we’re continuously increasing our Residential and Datacenter proxy pools. We also grow the number of different types of proxies, such as SOCKS5, HTTP(S), rotating ISP proxies, mobile proxies, and many more.

Certified data centers and upstream providers

All of our products are insured

All of our products are covered by Technology Errors & Omissions (Technology E&O) and Cyber Insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a proxy?

A proxy or a proxy server is an intermediary between a user and the internet. With a proxy server, the user's request is processed via the proxy first, and only then it connects to the required website asking to fulfill the initial request. One of the benefits of using a proxy is hiding the user's real IP address. You can read more here: what is a proxy?

What are datacenter proxies?

Datacenter Proxies aren't affiliated with an Internet Service Provider (ISP). They come from secondary corporations and provide you with entirely private IP authentication and a high level of anonymity. The main benefit that a datacenter proxy server offers is rapid response times.

What are residential proxies?

Residential Proxies are real IP addresses provided by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to homeowners. They are legitimate IP addresses attached to a physical location. The main benefits of residential proxies include a high anonymity level and the ability for a user to collect the required public data with noticeably fewer IP blocks.

Should I use free Singapore proxies?

A free Singapore proxy server usually is dangerous because of the privacy and security risks. Even if finding a reliable proxy service provider may take some time, in most cases, paid proxies usually come from reliable sources. It’s especially important for businesses that use Singapore proxies for such use cases as brand protection, cybersecurity, etc.

Is web scraping legal in Singapore?

It depends on whether the scraping doesn’t breach any laws surrounding the required public data. Our team suggests you get professional legal advice before using proxies for your web scraping projects because there is no right answer to this question. We also covered this topic in one of our blog posts: is web scraping legal?

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